OLED Experiments

After completing the OLED project, test yourself by trying these experiments.

1 Analog Clock.
Select File from the menu. Then select Examples -> Adafruit SSD1306 -> Clock
Change to the correct date and time in the setTime() function.
Upload and run the program.
2 Flappy Bird game.
The classic Flappy Bird game.
Connect a push button to pin 2 to move the bird up. Connect the other side of the push button to GND.
Select File from the menu. Then select Examples -> Adafruit SSD1306 -> FlappyBird.
Upload and run the program. Look at the code to see how it's done.
3 Pong game.
The all-time favorite Pong game.
For the user paddle on the right side, connect a push button to pin 2 for UP, and connect a push button to pin 3 for DOWN. Connect the other side of the push button to GND.
The computer controls the left paddle.
Select File from the menu. Then select Examples -> Adafruit SSD1306 -> PongGame.
Upload and run the program. Look at the code to see how it's done.
4 My Robot For Fun picture.
Select File from the menu. Then select Examples -> Adafruit SSD1306 -> MyRobotForFun
Upload and run the program.
5 Monkey animation.
Select File from the menu. Then select Examples -> Adafruit SSD1306 -> MonkeyAnimation
Upload and run the program.
6 To create your own picture...
  • Use this online image converter to convert your image
  • Click on the Choose Files button and select your picture file
  • In the Image Settings, change the Canvas size so that the resolution is within 128 x 64
  • You can optionally change the Brightness/alpha threshold
  • Click Generate code
  • Copy the bitmap code to your program
    Here's the bitmap code of me
  • Upload and run the program.